How is everyone coping with having to cook at home every day without having the option to eat out when you feel like a break?  I know it’s been hard on a lot of you going by the amount of messages we are getting “when are you opening again!” “are you doing take out, please do take out!”

Up until this week, the lockdown restrictions here in Italy had been very strict since beginning of March.  Unlike the UK, we were only allowed to go out to the local supermarket or to walk the dog within 200 metres of the house.  No exercise, no going for a walk on the beach, stay at home we were told, so we did.  With all that spare time we had on our hands we had nothing else to do but eat.  I’m lucky enough to have my own personal chef at hand and Costanzo has been cooking up a storm in the kitchen.  Not only is he cooking non stop but he’s also created a vegetable patch next to the terrazza.  He’s planted tomatoes, zucchini, basil, rosemary, rocket and chillies ?.  Planted only a month ago it has now turned into a jungle out there, can’t move for foliage ?.  I think by July we may need rescuing.

Our new found freedom this week has also meant that Costanzo can get out on the boat to do some fishing.  Apparently someone caught an 80kg tuna in the harbour yesterday so he’s out there now with our dog Obi fishing for our dinner.  He went for a couple of hours, that was 5 hours ago so who knows what he will come back with, watch this space.